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Questions and answers

Win with the strongest fantasy sports players!

How do I update my team roster?

You can change your team roster before each new round. To do this, log in to your account and select the players you want to add or replace.

How are fantasy cricket points calculated?

Points are awarded based on the players’ real-life performance in matches, such as the number of runs scored or the number of wickets knocked out.

How do I start playing fantasy sports?

To start playing fantasy sports, create your team on our website, select players from various sports disciplines and set up a roster to participate in the tournament.

Where can I find information about tournaments and leagues?

All current tournaments and leagues are posted on the main page of the platform. Here you can filter events by date, tournament type and prize pool.

Can I play fantasy cricket on my mobile device?

Yes, you can download the Fantasy Sports Vinst app on your mobile device. This allows you to play fantasy cricket and follow the results anytime, anywhere.